Sunday, June 20, 2010


I knew it had been a long time since I posted, but did not realize it had been this long.  Wow.  I keep saying I will get better.  I guess I just get busier.  We are definately getting very tired of the rainy summer so far.  We are really hoping for some sun soon.....and not just one day of it either!  We are wet enough already.  Gregory and Maggee are even getting used to playing in the rain.  I have been off of work for only a few days and am really enjoying being home.....but boy do I run in circles trying to keep things in order and get everything done.  We have also been busy with activities.  Gregory has been in T-Ball since the beginning of June.  We have played two games and had two rainouts.  Looks like next week, we have games on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  That is a lot of t-ball for a 3 year old.....but he enjoys it and so do we.  We have come to the conclusion that 2 innings would be just right for those little guys instead of 3....but I guess we don't get to make the rules.  Maggee also enjoys getting in the action, but gets a little discouraged when she does not get to participate.  She wants to be right out there playing with them.  Yesterday, Gregory also got to participate in the Buckley Kids Log Show for his first time.  He got to do the wood ax throw, which he was in 4th or 5th place out of about 20 three to five year olds.  He also got to do the choker setting.  He had fun.  His first words when waking up yesterday morning were, "is today my loggin' show mommy?".  Maggee enjoyed the events yesterday as well.  She just got dirty and loved Timber the Clown, from a distance of course.  Jon and I have been doing great.  I am glad to be done working for the summer.  Jon is ready to work in some dry weather.  The rain is getting pretty old for him to work in every day.  He did get some fishing in this weekend.  He lost a few good ones yesterday, but brought home a nice 7 pound steelehead today. 
We have a fun and busy summer in store for us.  Next week, I have a three day technology workshop, which should be great.  In July, we will head to Spokane where we will meet up with my mom and grandma before heading to Montana for our annual trip to Dutton.  Upon returning to Spokane, we will hang out for a few days so that I can co-host a baby shower for a great school days friend, Kim Lawon, who will be having a baby girl in September.  That will put us away from home for two weeks.  When we get back, Jon will be on vacation for two weeks.  Who knows what will be in store for us then.  We may head to Winthrop for a few days....  we shall see.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Well, I have lots of time to post today since I am sitting in the UW Medical Center waiting for my moms surgery to begin and then, of course, end.  My mom has been with us for the last week and will be with us for the next four weeks at least. 
We have sure enjoyed having my mom at the house.  The kids love having her there to play with and it is sure nice to have the extra help.  She brought the kids to my school last Friday for our little Valentine Celebration.  My class loved having the kids there.  Maggee did very well, but Gregory was not too sure.  I was very surprised at how shy he was in the classroom.  I think that he was overwhelmed by the 22 children who mobbed him upon entry.  Jon and I went out to dinner and drinks for Valentine's Day while mom stayed with the kids.  We had a very nice time.  I was great to get out.
We have been staying busy.  I assume that will not end for the next 17 years or so.  We are looking forward to being able to sign Gregory up for T-Ball in the spring.  I can not wait to watch them.  So cute.  I keep threatening Jon that I am going to sign him up to coach all of those 3 year olds.....he just shakes his head at me and smiles. 
I am on my winter break this week so no school.  With yesterday and today at the UW Medical Center, the rest of hte week is going to go by fast I am sure.  I am hoping for nice weather so we can get out and play a little.  The kids just love going outside.  A couple of days ago, Gregory hopped on his Gator and headed down the driveway to see what was going on.  He is just getting so big.  I can not believe it. 
Maggee is talking more and more every day.  We love to listen to her talk.  She will attempt any word that we tell her to say.  We have also discovered that when Maggee wants more, she says and does the sign for more.  It is so sweet! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Long Lost Us......

Yes, we are well!!  I keep promising to post more often and it just does not happen.  So....I am done apologizing for not posting more often.....I will just do the best that I can. 

We have been doing great!  Both Gregory and Maggee are amazing!  They are doing great.  Gregory's favorite things right now are Legos, Calliou (On Demand TV), his BB gun that he gets to shoot with daddy, and just getting some time to play outside.  Maggee loves carrying her little purse around, singing all of the time, Barney, and pushing her babies in her stroller. 

This past weekend, we went to the Chipmunks movie and Gregory loved it.  He had so much fun at the movie while Maggee had fun playing at Aunties house.  On Sunday, Jon and I took the kids to the Sportsman Show.  Gregory loved seeing all of the animals there and especially loved catching two fish there.  He was so proud of his fish, he had to hold them in his lap on the way home (in the bag of course).  Maggee just kept pointing at all of the animals and saying, "deer". 

Both of our kids amaze us on a daily basis.  Gregory is so smart.  We can not believe the things that he remembers.  He is always making us laugh.  Maggee is talking more and more every day.  She is also at a point where she knows what we are talking about when we talk to her.  They are so very much fun...

And then we have the not so fun moments.....Gregory is getting better about his language (shutup and stupid, I mean).  He is learning that saying those words when he is angry do not have fun consequences.  We are enjoying that he is making better word choices lately.  Maggee is quite the tantrum thrower.  When she is angry, she will throw quite the fit on the floor or she starts swinging.  We are working on it....Yikes!

Jon and I are doing great.  We are both busy with work.  Jon started at his work with a new crew and the site and new machine that they are working with have presented him with some challenges to say the least.  He has had a rough couple of days, but still tries to come home with a good attitude.  Hopefully, things will get better soon.  I have been busy at work with lots on my plate.  In addition to teaching, I am on two different committees as well as trying to aquire lots of clock hours in order to bump up on the pay scale next year.  I have also started selling Scentsy.  I enjoy that, it takes little time, and brings in a little extra money, which is nice . 

We are looking forward to having my mom stay with us for the next few weeks while she recovers from surgery.  We love to have her. 

For now, I must get......clothes to fold and put away. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well, we headed to Colville on the 22nd to spend Christmas with my family. Jon and the kids picked me up after work and we headed out. Maggee had had a cough and seemed to be coughing quite a bit. I pondered getting her an appointment for Tuesday morning before we left.....just to make sure she just had a cold...but we ended up just heading out. We got to Colville about 8:00 on that evening of the 22nd. Maggee did not sleep well at all that night. We decided to take her into the Dr. the next morning. Upon getting there, they checked her oxygen levels. The first nurse that we had was far from pleasant and clearly did not know the best way to do this with a baby. I tried to tell her, but she did not like my advice. She wrote Maggee's level down as 65....really??? Well, 65 means Maggee would be blue(she needed to be 93 and above) I don't think so. I was so irritated with this woman, I wanted to choke her....and I don't usually get like that....but my baby is sick! So, a much more reasonable nurse came in to try it. I told her how it works best for Maggee and she did it...and it worked.....but her reading was in the 80's. Dr. Johnson came in and told me that she does not sound good, her fever is up and oxygen levels are down. We are thinking Pneumonia and he told me he would be admitting her into the hospital. Small tears for a minute just because I was nervous....but I knew that there are plenty of children much more sick than Maggee and we are just going to the hospital for a short stay to make her better. Dr. Johnson said she would probably get out on Christmas Eve...which means one overnight. I could do that. Meanwhile, Jon is at my mom's with the worst head cold that he has ever had. I told him to stay there in bed and my mom took care of getting him meds and making him stay in bed while I was in the hospital. On Christmas Eve, Maggee was much better and so was Daddy. Jon came and picked us up and we went back to my mom's at about noon that day. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with my dad at his house and then back to my mom's in the late morning of Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas there as well. On Sunday, we headed to my brother, Jason's house, for Gregory's birthday party with friends and family on the east side. What a wonderful day that was as well. With the truck full to the top, we headed home on Monday. Gregory has now been sick today. He has a yucky tummy. We are going to the dr tomorrow for his yearly checkup, so we will see what they say about this little bug of his then. Maggee will also see the dr in the morning to just follow up and check out her lungs.... I am hoping they will say we can stop the multiple breathing treatments every day. We are supposed to do it for 10 days and she hates it. It takes 15-20 minutes per time. So, there we are in a nutshell. We are actually great, even though it does not sound real good. We just need to get the kiddos healthy. I am thankful that it happened when I was off of work for a couple of weeks. We hope to all be 100% healthy on Saturday when Gregory will have a little birthday party with his friends at 2 and then to Aunties for a family party at 5. Busy Busy!
I want to end this with our thoughts going out to the Hall and Blackman family. Little Gregory Hall is a very sick little boy. He is pretty much sedated now to manage his pain. They are expecting that he will be passing away within a couple of days. Childhood cancer is such an ugly ugly thing!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tis the season.....

We are having so much fun trying to fit in all the goes with the Christmas season. With our fun, we have also worked on helping to get the kiddos healthy. We have had our share of sick kids, that is for sure. Today, I wrapped up every unwrapped gift that needed wrapping in the house. We are most of the way done with our shopping. We just need to get a few more things. Gregory and Maggee are both having such a good time. Tonight, we went out and looked at Christmas lights. We saw some amazing lights. Such fun! Last week, our niece Taylor came over and we built both a gingerbread house and a gingerbread train. Every day, we have an elf who watches over our house and reports to santa at night. Gregory and Maggee both enjoy looking for the elf in the morning since he finds a new place to sit every day. The surprise of all surprises is that neither kiddo has tried to mess with the tree or any presents under it. Gregory does have a list 47 miles long for Santa. We have had to have the talk about how santa will just bring a few things, but not everything that he wants. We hope that goes ok. We are sure it will. Gregory is also getting very excited about his birthday and turning 3. We can not believe he is turning 3 already. Maggee is talking more and more all of the time. She is saying some things very clearly. It is so very cute when she talks. She is a happy little baby and we love to watch Maggee and Gregory interact. They absolutely adore each other. This year, we will be heading to Colville after I get out of school on the 22nd. We will spend Christmas there and then to Spokane on the 27th for a birthday party for Gregory at my brother's house. We will then head home on the 28th.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Long Lost Me

It has been entirely too long since my last post. September, really?? I feel like I have just been running around chasing my tail..... So, here is the rundown of what has been going on with us. It has been so long that I feel like I am about to write a Christmas letter. So, let's see....October.... Jon spent some time at the cabin in Winthrop in October hunting with family and his friend, Tom. They had a great time and Jon came home with meat for the freezer. he shot a 4 point buck. He was very excited and Gregory was so so excited to see it when he got home. While Jon was gone, the kids and I went to Colville. We really enjoyed our time there and got to see a lot of family and friends. We went to a halloween party there for Gregory Hall, the nephew of a friend of mine. Gregory has cancer and his make a wish was a huge Halloween Party. It was a huge success. We really enjoyed the party. While we were in Colville, our Gregory started to not feel real great and got a fever. His fever lasted a couple of days. He still had a good time, just did not have the energy that he usually has. At the time, I thought nothing of I am pretty sure that he had the flu....more on that later. A week after we got home on a Sunday, Maggee got a fever. She was at 102. This was after many kids in my class and students in our school were absent with the H1N1 flu. This was also after our niece Taylor was diagnosed with the flu. At this point, I was pretty sure that Maggee had it. I got online and made her an appointment for the next day. Sure enough, Maggee had it. Her fever did break before we even went to the dr. and it never did come back. I was home with her that week for three days. We took Gregory to daycare just to help and try to avoid him getting it from her. After he escaped it and about a week later is when I thought about it and realized with Maggee's case so mild, I am sure that is what he had in Colville. Maybe that is why he did not get it after she did. At the end of the month we enjoyed going to Jacob's always fun Halloween Party and then trick or treating the night after. Gregory was an adorable dragon and Maggee a sweet pink poodle.
And, now it is November. Maggee is now a year old. We can not believe it has been a year. And on the other hand, we can not remember our life without her in it. We are so lucky to have such amazing kids. Jon and I were talking tonight about how sweet she is and how amazingly precious Gregory is to her. He is always calling her sweetie and giving her kisses. They have really started playing well together and he is very good about sharing with her. He absolutely adores her. Maggee had a birthday week for her birthday......just like I used to get. It started the weekend before her birthday with a party at Grandma Schmitz's house. She was so adorable and had a great time. Then, with her birthday being Veteran's Day and a day off, she had her birthday celebration at daycare on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we played and celebrated her birthday at home. On Friday, she had a little birthday celebration at Kim's (the kids last babysitter). What a busy birthday week it was.

This last weekend was a fun one. Jon ended up going to the cabin with Tom for one last hurrah....they saw lots of deer, fished a little, and just enjoyed their time there. They even got a little snow. We would have loved to go as well, but already had things going on. I went on my annual shopping trip with my friend Jackie on Saturday. We had a blast. It is always something I look forward to every year. A fun time was had for sure. On Sunday, Gregory and I enjoyed our mommy son day to Disney on Ice. Gregory absolutely loved it and did not lose interest the whole time. We will definately be doing that every year. It was wonderful.

Now, we are caught!~ We are looking forward to some up and coming events. Nephew Marcus started wrestling today. We look forward to starting to attend his matches coming up in December. We are looking forward to seeing our nephew Michael as he is getting home from college in North Dakota for the Thanksgiving holiday on Sunday. We will be home here in Buckley for Thanksgiving this year. Jon is looking forward to doing some elk hunting. I am looking forward to Black Friday shopping. We are all looking forward to Thanksgiving with family. For Christmas this year, we will be going to Colville. We will be looking forward to that as well. It is always a wonderful family filled time.