Sunday, August 9, 2009

Terrible Twos Day!

Here is the picture for your head. Picture the nice little family of four going into Costco today....Myself, My Nephew Jacob, Sweet Maggee, and Gregory (the two year old :( Got the picture....ok... We are in the store and Gregory does not want to ride in the cart anymore after about 2 minutes. "I wanna walk," he says. I tell him he must stay by us and that is fine. is Sunday...there are a thousand people at Costco...and they do not want to shop at the pace in which Gregory Schmitz wants to get out of their way. He is definately holding up traffic. So I pick him up......"WWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," he wails. I calmly walk down the isle like I do not have a screaming two year old on my arm, maybe throwing things in my cart a little quicker. Luckily, Jacob is there to man the cart..and Maggee (who by the way has a smile on her face the entire Costco experience). So, I play the put him down and pick him up screaming game with Gregory for the entire Costco shopping excurtion. I also point out nicely to him every single other nice child in Costco as I tell him, "look at that sweet little boy listening to his mommy and sitting so nicely. I bet he might get a prize today." I am sweating by the end of the trip. I pay for the goods and we have headed to the car. By this time, I have given Gregory the information that he will not be getting back the little gun that we had just purchased prior to this shopping spree. We get in the car and he says to his sweating mommy, "I'm bein a good boy mommy. Can I have my gun now?" I then give him the information that the gun is going bye bye. And...........the gun will be put away for later use....much a stocking stuffer or something.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay!! You have a blog. I love it. Way to stick to your guns on that battle! But how you ever managed to with such a cute little boy, I can't imagine... :-)